Saturday, September 22, 2007

Crickets Chirping

...17days of silence...

*** crickets chirping***



'Seph Sayers said...
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'Seph Sayers said...


On August 17th my wife and I celebrated our 17th anniversary !19 years together actually).

On September 20th i have been in the printing trade for 20 years (now that one's sad - and when I say "sad" I mean it in the pathetic sense :)

On September 20th I celebrated my 40th birthday. (My wife took my to see Genesis in concert!)

What's new?

Lydia said...

I don't know what to say. :)

Elizabeth said...

i had a weird dream. i'm still thinking about it. i;ve been kind of screwed up lately, but i'm coming out of it which is very cool.

'Seph Sayers said...

What was the weird dream?

Elizabeth said...

i blogged about it on my other blog. i cant stop thinkng about it

'Seph Sayers said...

Yeah, it was a weird dream. I'm not sure it means anything. Not all dreams do. Sometimes it's just your brain "cleaning house". Has anything happened in the past few days that contained any of these elements?

What did you mean you've been "screwed up lately"? Odd thing to say. What's up?

Elizabeth said...

ahh, a lot of stuff.

major catharsis stuff. the whole sexuality/school/work/trying to be a normal person stuff. i'm trying to totally rearrange my life. its making me crazy.

'Seph Sayers said...

"major catharsis stuff" from what perspective? (Denominaltional, I mean, if that at all).

I don't see have "being normal" fits into any form of purgation. Why be normal?

Elizabeth said...

by normal i mean functional.